Rain gutters are some of the most simple, yet crucial parts of a house. Many times they are overlooked or unnoticed and, as a result, serious damage can occur. Professionally installed rain gutters are very important to the life of your house. They are needed in order to keep rain and other moisture away from your house. Most areas of the country, including Los Angeles, rain gutters are essential and need to be installed. A gutter system that is not installed correctly can cause damage to the inside and outside of your home that can be very costly.
Gutters work very simply. When rain hits your roof, it runs downward to the edge where the water meets the gutter. The gutter then channels the water to the corners of the roof and then out through the downspouts. Snow melting also works in the same manner, but much slower. Rain or snow, a poorly installed gutter system can make life uneasy and expensive.
Improperly installed rain gutters will cause rainwater to erode the soil surrounding your foundation causing water to infiltrate any cracks. Water then can penetrate the walls of your basement or lower-level rooms.
Did you know that 1-inch of rain can result in nearly 1900 gallons of water running through your gutters and off your eaves and out of your downspouts? That is more water that you would think. Water is a force that can cause thousands of dollars’ worth of damage before you know it. However, we really don’t think much about gutters until it’s too late.
It’s important to know how to inspect your gutters to see if it’s time for new ones. Take a look at your gutters on a day with good weather so you can see if there is any damage. If you see rusted areas, holes or separations in your gutter system, it’s time to call Master Gutter so our experts can take a look. Then, inspect your gutter when it rains. The water needs to roll off your roof and into the gutters. Watch to see if the rain leaks through the gutter before it reaches the downspout. If there are leaks, it’s time for new gutters.
When it’s time to make the decision to have new gutters installed on your house, it is important to ask a professional about what type of material you’ll want to use. Remember, gutter installation includes not only the actual gutters, it also includes downspout (which are the vertical parts that run down the sides of your house) the corner joints, end caps and brackets.
Master Gutter offers different types of gutter installation. We have the experience needed to install the exact type of materials you need for your home. We offer both seamless aluminum gutters and seamless copper gutters products.
Copper rain gutters offer a unique, artistic flare for your home. If you’re looking for a more refined, yet rustic look for your house, then copper rain gutters may be right for you. Although copper gutters may cost a bit more than aluminum, they are more durable, last much longer and may add value to your home. Copper gutters are a popular choice for homes with classic Spanish architecture much like right here in Los Angeles.
Aluminum gutters are made to endure virtually any weather conditions. Aluminum gutters also can be painted and come in many different colors. Click on our color chart to see all the different looks we offer.
Having your gutters installed by the experts at Master Gutter will save you money in the long run. Call Master Gutter today for a free consultation.